Via Workplace

Via Workplace

Buried in all the confusion is an office that could be running smoothly with employees who love what they do.

It’s out there.Together, let’s find it.

Internal Communication Guidebook - Via Workplace


Introducing the Via Workplace Internal Communication Guidebook. It covers the basics for how to approach Internal Communication at your organization, as well as what principles you should use to make decisions.

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M365 Copilot - Bridging Potential and Practicality - On-Demand Webinar


How we're using Copilot to be more productive and effective every day. What You'll Learn 💪🏼 How to improve meeting efficiency and productivityHow to use Copilot for daily communicationsHow to leverage your existing data Even though Copilot is the current craze in the Microsoft world, many questions are flying around how to use it. How does it differ from other AI software? How can you use it in your workplace for increased productivity? Is it even worth getting in the first place? It's okay to not fully understand what Copilot is about. In our webinar, we're not only going to break down the tool itself, but where Copilot can specifically improve your everyday work tasks. Join our webinar and finally learn how to integrate Copilot within your workplace and see how Copilot can optimize your workday. Includes: 38 minute teaching

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Streamline Your Internal Communication - On-Demand Webinar


Empowering Executives to Transform Workplace Communication and Drive Change. What You'll Learn 💪🏼 Cut through the workplace noise to make sure you're heardStreamline your communication beyond email This 60 minute comprehensive webinar for executives and leaders seeking to revolutionize their organization's communication strategies. Join us to discover proven techniques to cut through the noise and align your team towards shared goals. Learn how to transition from traditional person-to-person communication to topic-based communication for real-time collaboration. Gain insights, best practices, and practical tips to modernize and simplify workplace communication, ensuring your voice is heard and your organization thrives.

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Taming the Teams Chaos - On-Demand Webinar


Transform the way you collaborate and take full advantage of Microsoft Teams. What You'll Learn 💪🏼 1. How to Start — Step #1 in Taming TeamsLearn why Teams training isn't enough, and instead learn how defining the role MS Teams plays within your organization and setting a clear direction will totally transform how you and your organization collaborate in Teams.2. What Makes Up an Effective Teams CultureCreate an effective and sustainable Teams culture by training employees, aligning technology with organizational goals, and setting clear usage expectations. At work, a lot of us use Microsoft Teams, but many people feel like they don't know how to use it "right". You probably got thrown into using it during the pandemic, and never quite got the strategy behind it figured out. So naturally, people end up using the tool differently and it creates so much inconsistency it feels chaotic. Or perhaps your team even paid to get "training", but you still end up getting stuck in the same spot. MS Teams is a lot like a Swiss Army Knife; a diverse and powerful tool, but overwhelming when it comes to knowing exactly how to use it and what all the tools are meant for. We're going to give you the exact steps to take that will make Teams easier to understand. Join our webinar to learn how to adapt Microsoft Teams to your exact needs as an organization and cultivate a universal Teams Culture that will get everyone on the same page and create seamless collaboration. Includes: 35 minute teachingDownloadable Resources PDF

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The Workplace Membership - Pilot


The Workplace is an online community membership for leaders who want to use technology to create thriving and innovative work environments. This is a yearly subscription to the community available during our Pilot Phase. Members who join during the Pilot Phase will receive half-off the yearly price for life. After making your purchase, you will receive an email with an invitation to the community.

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